
Volunteers are a vital part of Our Greater Good

The following is a break-down of the volunteer opportunities available. All opportunities are important and truly help the children, families and educators we serve. Chose the opportunity that is meaningful to you and fits your life.

1.Lunch buddy volunteer

Lunch Buddy volunteers are paired with an elementary child in the school setting.  Buddies meet once a week during the child’s lunch/recess time.  They chat, play games and can go out to recess with the class.  The volunteer does not discipline or tutor the student; they are simply there to support and encourage the child and be a consistent presence in his/her life.  All adult buddies must pass a school background check. This opportunity requires about 1 hour/week. If interested, contact us here.

2. Boys to men Group mentor

Boys to Men is a community of dedicated men who guide and support tween boys on their journey to manhood.  Every week, 3-4 adult mentors meet after school with 9-12 middle school boys to provide a safe, consistent place where the boys are encouraged, supported and assisted through their teenage struggles.  Groups begin during the student’s 6th grade year and continue through middle school, the transition to high school and on to graduation.  Mentors are provided with complete training, a curriculum and full support.  Mentors must pass a national background check.  This opportunity requires about 1 hour/week. If interested, contact us here.

3.Girls to Women Group Mentor 

Girls to Women is the companion to the Boys to Men program and is designed to guide and support tween girls on their journey to womanhood.  Every week, 3-4 adult mentors meet after school with 9-12 middle school girls to provide a safe, consistent place where the girls are encouraged, supported and assisted through their teenage struggles.  Groups begin during the student’s 6th grade year and continue through middle school, the transition to high school and on to graduation.  Mentors are provided with complete training, a curriculum and full support.  Mentors must pass a national background check.  This opportunity requires about 1 hour/week. If interested, contact us here.

4. Workbook delivery

Volunteer to help deliver Love & Logic workbooks to local schools to go home to families. Volunteers are needed the week prior to each session beginning. If interested, contact us here.

5. Distribute Growing Great Kids to local organizations

Volunteer would pick up developmental guides from the Our Greater Good office and deliver them to a given list of locations.  These locations usually include schools, daycares, and other youth serving organizations.  This is a sporadic opportunity and would be done on an as needed basis.  The time commitment would vary. If interested, contact us here.

6. Deliver dinners for Love & logic courses

Volunteer would pick up dinner from catering location and deliver to Love & Logic course location. Locations vary within the county. Time commitment would vary depending on location. If interested, contact us here.